At Olymel, we're in love with bacon.
That's why we came up a special section that's all about bacon and its infinite possibilities!
There are just so many awesome foods, recipes and meals you can concoct with bacon, it'll make your head spin! Bacon truly is the cook's best friend!
From comfort food to gargantuan brunches, on pizza or in tacos, there are a thousand and one ways to enjoy bacon.
Now you, too, will have everything you need to know to become true diehard bacon fans like us!
There's no smoke without bacon
Smoking foods is a practice that's thousands of years old and originally served to preserve meats. Today we appreciate smoking mostly for the delicious flavours it produces.
Did you know you can make your own bacon with the same great taste as Olymel bacon? All you need is a good smoker, some wood chips and some pork flank.

First, salt down your pork for 2 days.

Next, wash off the salt.

Then, make some smoke in your smoker and place it in the first section so it gets a good shower of liquid smoke.

After that, for a little over three hours, the meat goes into the second section so that when it's done it has the right texture and that exceptional taste! See, we told you it wasn't that complicated!
Applewood smoke is known for its sweet, fruity flavour. It's a flavour profile that marries beautifully with meats, especially pork.
So, if you have the time, you can go out and saw off some apple branches, chop them up into chips and place them in the coals in your BBQ, then gently smoke your meat.
But if you live in town and your yard looks more like a balcony and the only saw you own is at your brother-in-law's, drop by the cold counter at your local grocer's and get yourself some applewood smoke flavour bacon from Olymel!
It makes a delicious sandwich with goat cheese on a baguette!


Maple Flavour Naturally Smoked Bacon

Naturally Smoked Bacon 33% Less Salt